Lockers are subject to the opening hours of their location. In areas with 24/7 access, they are open around the clock.
Where can I find a Parcel Locker?
Check out our locator to find your closest Parcel Locker.

A free and easy way to manage your deliveries
Redirect your items to a nearby locker where they will be safely stored until you’re ready to collect them. You can also send parcels or return online shopping from a locker near you.
Having trouble with your locker?
If your PIN doesn’t work or you have any problems with a Parcel Locker, please get in touch.

Collecting and receiving items
If we're delivering your item, we'll send you an SMS to choose from a range of delivery options. If you select a parcel locker, you will be sent an access PIN to open it once the item is delivered.

Sending and returning items
If you want to send or return an item, scan your prepaid parcel label or your return label at the locker bank. Then put your item inside and we will collect and deliver it to the addressee.
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