Santa posts letters to children all over Ireland Letters will arrive by post in time for Christmas
19 December 2019
An Post is delighted to confirm that Santa Claus has read all the children’s letters, posted in post boxes over the past weeks and months.
Santa has written back to over 130,000 children in Ireland and these special Santa reply letters have now arrived in Ireland. Santa’s mail was delivered on a special overnight flight from the North Pole post office.
An Post will deliver the magical Christmas mail just ahead of the big day. If children posted letters a little late to receive a reply, or have yet to write to Santa not to worry, An Post will make sure that Santa will still receive your letter and will get to read it in time for Christmas Day.
In a message sent from the North Pole, Santa sends “A big thank you to all of the children who have sent me lovely letters. Mrs Claus and I have spent every evening reading all about your year and what you would like for Christmas. We love to get your news and your colourful drawings too.”
An Post advise children to keep an eye out for their special Santa reply, which will arrive in the next few days.
The North Pole post office and Santa’s helpers in An Post wish you all Nollaig Shona.