Greeting cards go from desktop to doorstep with An Post
3 March 2009
With Mother’s Day fast approaching this brand new service is a real solution for time poor sons & daughters searching for just the right card or living at a distance from their mother.
The Greeting Cards Café online service offers a wide range of beautiful card designs. It is simple to log on, write a message or upload a personalised photo and the card will be printed and posted the same day by An Post.
All personalised cards are printed in Ireland & posted with an Irish stamp. Each card created is printed with a matching envelope, and posted to the specified address. An Post can also post directly to the sender, with a blank envelope so the card may be presented personally - just chose the ‘Post Back to Me’ option.
All cards cost just €4.45 including airmail postage anywhere in the world. Log on to and send your card today!