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An Post Education Awards Update

21 February 2008

Thank you to all the schools, classes, principals and teachers who got involved and took part in this year's An Post Education Awards. The closing date for all entries was January 25th 2008. Everyone who entered is in with a chance to win great prizes for their class, their school, their teacher and their principal!

An Post is now in the process of judging all the entries to both the What's the Story? and the Lst N Trnsl8n competitons. The judging process will continue into March. As the school break this year includes both St. Patrick's Day and Easter, An Post will announce the winners when teachers and classes return to school (early April).

What's the Story? Competition

The shortlisted winners (three in each category)  will be announced on the An Post Website, in regional media and An Post will be in direct contact with the teacher/principal of each shortlisted class entry.

The overall winner in each category will be announced in a similar process shortly after.
Lst N Trnsl8n Competition

The winners of the Lst N Trnsl8n Competition (four Junior Category and four Senior Category) will be announced via the An Post Website, media release, and of course An Post will be in direct contact with the principal/teacher of each winning entrant.

We had a great response from primary and secondary schools from all over the country. Feedback from schools about the competitons has been very positive. Students really have got into the swing of things and enjoyed creating stories and translating text lingo.

We look forward to announcing the shortlisted and winning entries and we know you are excited to find out if it is you. Watch this space!

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