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An Post Demands End To CWU Ban on Casual staff as absenteeism soars

17 October 2005

102 Dublin postal staff failed to turn up for work this Monday morning at delivery offices around the City and County. This represents an astonishing sick absence rate of nine per cent among the 1200 postmen and postwomen employed by An Post across the capital.

This serious level of staff absence is a matter of huge concern to An Post and it is further complicated by the marked reluctance of staff in some areas to work overtime in order to cover the 56 postal routes left undelivered.

In light of this serious situation An Post has today put a proposal to the CWU to lift its ban on the company’s use of casual workers and to allow the immediate hiring of 100 casual staff.

These staff would be deployed across Dublin City and County to ensure reliable, daily deliveries to all business and private customers.

The situation is particularly serious in light of the fact that all four national mails centres are fully up to date with processing and clear of all mail due for delivery today. Contrary to propaganda being pedalled by the Communications Workers Union who are currently balloting their members for industrial action to further disrupt the postal service, there is absolutely NO backlog of mail in any of An Post’s four mail centres at Dublin, Cork, Athlone and Portlaoise.

Except for the immediate pre-Chrismas period, An Post is currently prevented by the Communications Workers Union from hiring casual staff to cover day-to-day delivery staff absence in the Dublin area. Absences can only be filled by existing staff on an overtime basis.

An Post plans and budgets for a sick absence rate of four per cent. Each one per cent rise above this level costs the company €5 million annually.

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