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Quality of service

ComReg, the Commission for Communications Regulation, regulates the quality of our mail service and sets performance standards. It monitors compliance with the standards and publishes a report on the results of the monitoring exercise at least once a year.

National performance

We have a target of 94% for next day delivery (D+1) and a 99.5% target for delivery within three working days (D+3) for standard, domestic stamped and metered mail.

The following is the most up-to-date performance reported by ComReg, as measured by Ipsos MRBI. The information is provided in compliance with ComReg Document 15/126 and Decision Notice D07/15.







International performance

We have a target of 93% for next day delivery (J+1) of European letter mail from arrival in Ireland and a target of 88% for next day arrival at destination country in Europe from posting in Ireland.

The following is the most up-to-date performance, as measured by Research International for International Post Corporation (IPC), Brussels.




Inbound international, from arrival in Ireland to delivery



Outbound international, from posting in Ireland to arrival at destination country




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