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Collector's Glossary

Blank corner block
A block of stamps with the margin or selvedge attached. They are usually found in the bottom right corner of the sheet.

A postmark placed on a stamp to prevent its re-use. These postmarks can be pictorial, relating to a particular stamp issue and date, or can be made by a standard date stamp.

Commemorative stamps
Commemorative stamps are most commonly issued to commemorate an event, person or anniversary.
These stamps are available for three months in selected post offices and for one year from the date of issue in the Philatelic Bureau.

Commemorative Year Pack
This contains one of each commemorative stamp, both gummed and self adhesive, issued in a particular year. These packs are available for a period of five years.

Commemorative Year Book
A high-quality limited edition book containing one of each commemorative stamp, both gummed and self adhesive, and one of each miniature sheet issued in a particular year.

Commemorative Year Book Luxury Edition
A luxury, leather-bound edition of our year book, usually limited to 150 copies.

Definitive stamps
Definitive stamps are the standard postage stamps available over a period of five to seven years. 

First day cover
A special pictorial envelope to which the stamps are affixed and cancelled with a pictorial/standard first-day-of-issue cancellation.
Unserviced First Day Covers, where no stamp or cancellation is applied to the envelope, are also available.

Imprint block
A block of stamps with the margin or selvedge attached showing the printer’s name. They are usually found in the bottom left corner of the sheet.

Miniature sheet
A small sheet produced for philatelic purposes which contains a stamp or stamps of a specific issue.

Plate block
A block of stamps with the margin or selvedge attached showing the plate numbers. These numbers -- 1A or 1B -- indicate the number of the plates or cylinders used to print the stamps. They are usually found in the top left corner of the sheet.

Self-adhesive stamps
Peel and stick commemorative and definitive stamps, which are usually sold in pairs.

An attached pair or strip of stamps with different denominations or designs which appear together on the same sheet.

Traffic light block
A block of stamps with the margin or selvedge attached showing the colour indicators. They are usually found in the top right corner of the sheet.
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